My Contacts

My Contacts
The My Contacts page lists all of your contacts and lets you perform many actions, like searching or composing new email. View your contacts by clicking on My Contacts under the Contacts tree in the sidebar.

Adding a Contact - Click on the Add Contact button to add a new contact. For more information, see the topic Adding a Contact.

Editing a Contact - Click on the name of a contact to edit it.

Deleting a Contact - To delete a contact, click on the delete link next to it, or check the contacts you want to delete and choose Delete Selected Contacts.

Searching Contacts - Click on the Search button to begin searching for contacts. A second bar will appear that will allow you to search.

Sending an Email to a Contact - Click on the new message link next to a contact to send them an email, or choose multiple users and choose New Message to Selected Contacts from the Actions menu.

Exporting Contacts - For information about exporting contacts, see Exporting Contacts.

Importing Contacts - For information about importing contacts, see Importing Contacts.

Integrating with Outlook - If you have Enterprise Edition, you can use Right Mail as a connector to Outlook so that your contacts in Right Mail appear in Outlook and are automatically synchronized. For more information, please refer to the help topic Outlook Integration.

Sharing Contacts with Other Users  - For information about sharing, please see the topic Sharing Your Own Resources.


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